Thursday, September 30, 2004

i turned around and killed the uncertainty before it killed me
i know what i have to do..if i'm not experiencing the i'm so in love with you/can't live without you syndrome..then in all likelyhood, i'm not in love and can live without you....which is perfectly fine except for the fact that i don't seem to feel that way about anyone..and i wonder if i ever will....

Sunday, September 26, 2004

inspiration isn't spewing....analysis and over analysis however seems to be the thought for the day...that and the fact that for some reason i'm having difficulty spelling.
a song writer and a boy in love. someone who noticed me forever [i know] and someone who went's always a stupid rectangle lol
..and then theres me..who's comfortable with me...

Friday, September 24, 2004

baaga beach Posted by Hello
baaga house Posted by Hello
kan and the kids Posted by Hello
neil and kan Posted by Hello
mapuca market.... booze! hehe Posted by Hello

primary colours

going home...i din wanna go home.... Posted by Hello

kan...outside baaga house Goa! Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 23, 2004

sam, kan and ala........mapuca bus station,Goa Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

take control of life

to start with - FINISH CLEANING ROOM *big overdue sigh*........i think that should do for starters.....i'm not a wah wah cry baby....i'm not a wah wah cry baby.....bwaaaaaaaahhh.....i think i'm a wah wah cry baby...*sniffle*

Friday, September 10, 2004

the mediocrity and unacceptance is getting to me.
maybe i should learn to start being on my own again.....

and then i realise that there are people who care enough to call all away from across the other end of the world.
so screw the mediocrity and unacceptance

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Friday, September 03, 2004


-CLEAN THE ROOM! the mess is driving you crazy...aaaaaarrrrrrggggh
-sleep less, eat more
-work less,talk more[optional-no kamal and bellyup to talk to]
-pray more,sigh less
-practice being sneaky[optional]
-shop less,save more[so that i can buy my nikon next month at least][if anyone feels generous and feels like contributing- early christmas/birthday/just for the heck of it(cash) presents go right ahead ]:D hehe always the optimist.
i walked today. an unlikely event.not that i'm opposed to walking.i just dont walk much ..* huff puff* *pant pant*.. i contemplated taking an auto home..but i told myself 'be strong' i resisted temptation *pat on the back* and started to walk back *huff puff* *pant pant pant* it looked like fate had other ideas..and conveniently placed the offer of a ride in my path..mostly in the form of..whats his name??..joshua..yeah josuha. i declined 'so there fate' and precariously continued on my way home...about a hunded yards or so later, this car slows down and says jump in[the desouza mother if you're wondering who]. so i say to hell with walking and sit down. *relief..sigh*...we very nearly reach home when she decides that just then would be a fun time to eulogise on the merits of the catholic church... shoot me!...if only she knew i don't go to like i will henceforth say...'every ride has it's price'
good luck and god bless all you riders :D out there

Thursday, September 02, 2004