Tuesday, December 26, 2006

In winter I become the conservative that I really am.
I got two presents this Christmas.
I loved them both.
Thank tha thank thank.

Additional: Call 2592071 for yours!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Four somewhat known things about me [Because I'm bored. I hate Sundays.]

-I always thought I liked photography, music, french and something else. The truth is I don't. What I do like is football and drawing.
- I can't bear cold water baths, even in summer.
-I always answer my phone [when I hear it ringing, which is more not than often]
-I have a very unconvincing fake smile.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Plugged in.
Some days I feel like being a long sleeved, dupatta, slawar girl.

Monday, December 18, 2006

When I was little, I couldn't wait for my front teeth to fall out.
Firstly, so that I could sing 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth'.
And secondly, so that they'd grow into big bunny teeth just like Joanne's.
I did and they did.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Goodies, Cheer and What not

So Sneha's [My Born Again Believer roomate/Landlady] church, girls youth, is going carol singing this pre Christmas weekend and as usual they're forcing the girls [ie. Me] to cook some Christmas delights that they intend to unleash on the unsuspecting. In, mind you, exchange for moolah. It doesn't stop there. Next the the unsuspectings have to listen to us sing. Have you ever been in a room where your ears tried to close themselves? Or make themselves go deaf? I'm not kidding. My ears tried. So hard. And I'm one of the singers.
So back to the 'Christmas delights'. It started with the three of us who were assigned the ordeal of Chutney sandwiches followed by a quick, 'Do any of you know how to cook??' No, none of us can cook. So I say, 'Chocolate Fudge!' thinking how difficult can that be. So it's decided and we decided on a day to make it. Then one of the three can't make it, so the two of the three decide to get on with it.
Only, when one of the two of the three [Me, that is] is in the supermarket, her eye happens to fall upon Ready Make Cake Mix!! How cool is that?? Three boxes are excitedly picked up and a hurried phone call to inform the change of menu.

They're getting bakery biscuits from Mr. Baker opposite my house which we're going to pass off as home made.

Three unopened boxes of Instant cake mix anyone?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

List of questions to annoy the Mother of the Baby

-Do you think we can tan her [the Baby]? She's so white.
-What colour are her eyes now?
-Does she look anything like me [the Aunt]?

The answers to the above, in case anyone's interested:
-She is not soo white and no I don't want to tan her, thank you very much.
-No, but she does tend to act like you. For eg. she can't go to sleep without having a bath and she likes to put her legs up and cross them.

December resolution

To pick fights with people, just like that.
Like that annoying born again believer girl for a start.

Mood: Gleeful

Check List

-Finish Christmas gift shopping
-Post Christmas gift shopping
-Buy a bit of land
-Visit mangy relatives and answer annoying questions about future life plans
-Pick up vitamins
-Make chocolate fudge with two little girls. Dammit! I forgot.
-Tell Mamma I'm going bald [I'm not, but I might be]

Monday, December 11, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

On chain smoking

He just doesn't say going for a smoke anymore.
He says he'll be right back [and inserts an approximate time frame]
As if I dont' know.

The new baby

He- Is she perfect?
She counted her fingers and toes. Ten. Ten.
She- She is!

[For Megan Sitara Bouvier]

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

No one believes in God.
But I missed the rain.
And it did.
Me- I wish you were here. It's damn cold.
He- So what would we do if I was there?
Me- [in my head] Get under a quilt and make out you idiot.
[aloud] I suppose we could build a fire.

[I'm messing around!!]

Category: Fiction, mostly

Monday, December 04, 2006

Do you know how it rained?
Like mad.